Consultation > By author > Zenasni Mohammed

Numerical Simulation of multiple Fatigue crack growth in galvanised Panels
Khalid Nasri  1, *@  , Mohammed Zenasni  1@  
1 : Equipe de Mécanique et Calcul Scientifique  (EMCS)
ENSA, Université Mohammed Premier, BP 696, OUJDA. -  Maroc
* : Corresponding author

In this study, the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) and the Paris Law are implemented in Abaqus software by the python code to perform simulation analyses of the fatigue life in galvanised panels. The interaction between two cracks and fatigue life, in the presence of bi-material interface are investigated. The distance between the two cracks is found to have a significant influence on the fatigue life and the crack growth rate.

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